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Today is Tuesday, 9/10/2024, 0:40:28

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10. 9. 2024


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Wooden church of St. Nicolas

The oldest surviving building situated in the village Nýdek is the church of St. Nicolas from 1576. The rate of building interventions, especially in the nineteenth century, however changed its original form. It has undergone structural modifications recently to correct the previous insensitive interference into roofing. The existing eternit roof was replaced by wood shingles. After the exchange of roofing and other repairs it is certainly worth visiting. The building has not changed much over the centuries. It has a rectangular transept on a retaining wall with indented rectangular presbytery. An interesting part of the interior is a choir borne on four pillars decorated by flat wooden pins and a set of 14 benches. 


Wooden church of St. Cross elevation

The Roman-Catholic Church of St. Cross Elevation is situated to the north of the village Jablunkov in the village Bystřice nad Olší. The church dates from 1587. The building was built in the romantic style on the place of the original wooden church. Its technical condition worsened in spite of all the repairs and it was closed in 1893. Renovations were carried out during this period.  Rectangular windows are highlighted by carved ornamental mouldings. In front of the main entrance there is a rectangular vestibule with  roof. There is a Renaissance altar from 1588 in the interior. There is also Evangelical - Lutheran Church in this village, which is not from wood. It dates from 1811, its tower was built in 1848. In the transept there is a two-storey choir-loft carried by Tuscan columns linked with side-storey stands. 


Wooden church of St. Cyril and Methodius

In the easternmost village of our country, in the village of Hrčava it is possible to visit the distinctive wooden church of St. Cyril and Methodius from 1936 with a baptistery - a valuable carving work of local mute sculptor  Ondřej Zogata. It is one of the youngest wooden churches in Northern Moravia and Silesia. A relatively  simple single-transept building with a small tower and three-sided chancel and small sacristy, is covered with eternit roof. Wooden church is topped with a slim three-sided sheet metal spire, which is fitted with a simple iron cross with a cupola. The interior equipment of the church is the original altar from larch wood, altar carpet, altar painting of St. Cyril and Methodius, a harmonium and mass dishes.  The transept and and three-side presbytery is made of beams, set on a high retaining wall. There is a cross with a sculpture of the crucified Christ erected next to the church towards the cemetery.  A part of the church premises is also a former parish building.
