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Today is Sunday, 1/26/2025, 7:18:14

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Weather today:

26. 1. 2025


Day temperatures 5/9°C, around 1000m -1°C.


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Medium-difficulty routes

We recommend a range of circular routes along surfaced forest roads for cyclists who really want to get to know the countryside and do not mind sloping terrain. The routes will take you to the very easternmost tip of the Czech Republic - Trojmezí - a place where three countries meet. It might be interesting, that the route goes trough a piece of Poland, where the terrain is easier.  Another route will lead you right up to the summit of Javorový mountain - but don't worry, you can take your bike up by a chair lift and enjoy the downward run on a good quality forest road. We recommend that you follow the suggested direction on these circular routes - they are planned so that the ascents are more gradual and more difficult sections with poorer-quality surfaces can be passed without pedaling.

1. To Hrčava-Trojmezí - three coutries meeting point: 33,5 km

Jablunkov - Pod Zelenou - Studeničné - Hrčava – Jaworzynka (Poland) – Trojmezí (from Polish side) – Jaworzynka (border crossing) - Bukovec - Písek - Jablunkov. You can cycle to Trojmezí directly if you follow yellow signs but it is a rapid and unpleasant downward run on the road created from packs!

1We recommend 
15 km - Lurdská Cave, Wooden church of St. Cyril a Methodius in Hrčava
18,5 km - Three-boundary point in Hrčava
27 km - Folk architecture in Bukovec


2. Radegast cyklotrack, part of the route : 54 km

Jablunkov - Bocanovice - Milíkov - Bystřice - Vendryně - Třinec - Oldřichovice - Javorový - Tyra - Košařiska - Milíkov - Bocanovice - Jablunkov


We recommend
12,5 km - Wooden church the Elevation of the St. Cross in Bystřice
19,5 km - The lime kilns in Vendryně
24,5 km - Information center in Jablunkov
30,5 km - Chair lift to Javorový


3. To Skalka: 33 km

Jablunkov - Bocanovice - Mosty u Jablunkova - Polom - Severka - Skalka - Mosty u Jablunkova - Bocanovice – Jablunkov. It is possible to use unmarked road to Mosty u Jablunkova (refreshment, activities in a ski resort etc.)

We recommend
16,5 km - Kamenná chalet on Polom
17 km - Chalet Severka
18 km - Chalet Skalka
