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Today is Tuesday, 9/10/2024, 0:37:28

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10. 9. 2024


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Wooden architecture

The routes are not marked by special numbers, only by usual numbers - the numbers are listed below in the description of cycle paths along the route.

Wooden architecture routes in the Karviná region and Cieszyn

On the route of wooden architecture - the districts of Karviná and Cieszyn, you can admire preserved original wooden architecture buildings in theTěšín Silesia, but because the route goes around the two water reservoirs you can refresh yourself  by bathing especially in the summer months.

The route is 57.6 kilometers long, with a detour to Archeopark Podobora it can be extended by 10.4 km. It runs along the marked cycling route Regiotour on the Czech side routes 46, 56, 6005, 6090, 6097, 6098, 6099, on the Polish No. 124N, 24C. The beginning is in Český Těšín and it leads partly on the Polish side of the Euroregion Těšín Silesia.  

Course of the route

Český Těšín - the starting point of the route, the border crossing with PL, Czech part split in 1920 to become a single town of Těšín (no.6090) - 0 km

  • Dolní Domaslavice (no.6005) - 11,3km
  • Žermanice – dam (no.6099) - 15,3 km
  • Horní Bludovice (no.56) - 18,1 km
  • Dolní Bludovice - Kotulova dřevěnka – folk timbered building from 1781 is one of the oldest buildings in the Těšín region. An engaging exhibition presents a housing interior equipment, home and way of life at the end of the 19th and in the 20th century, then we continue along the red marked path to the museum in Životice, where in the part Pacalůvka we join the route no.6098 - 20,5 km
  • Těrlická dam (no.6097) - 26,5 km
  • Albrechtice – Baroque wooden church of St. Peter and Paul from 1766 (no.6097, no.6100) - 28.8 km
  • Chotěbuz - Archeopark Podobora – reconstruction of the Slavic fort from the half of 8 - 9 / 10 century. (if we continue to Karvina, it is necessary to return to the route no.6097) - 35.1 km
  • Karviná – there are not well-preserved wooden architecture buildings, but it is worth to visit Fryštát chateau from the late 18th century with the old Gothic centre from 14th century. Along the 1. class road we get to the border crossing with PL - 39.1 km
  • Kaczyce Dolne – wooden church of the Elevation of the Holy Cross from 1620 (No. 24 C) - 41.3 km 
  • Cieszyn – Polish part of the divided town, on its castle hill you can see the Romanesque rotunda of St.Wenceslas and Nicholas from half of the 11th century and Piast  tower from 14th  century. (no.24C, no.46) - 55.6 k
  • Český Těšín - the end of the route - 57,6 km
 Wooden architecture routes - Těšín - Nýdek part

On the wooden architecture route - Těšín - Nýdek which goes on the Czech and Polish part of Těšín Silesia Euroregion you can find not only preserved original wooden architecture buildings in Těšín Silesia, but also modern wooden buildings.

It is a medium difficulty route with a length of 71.5 km, which runs along the marked cycling route Regiotour, on the Czech side routes no. 46, 56, 6085, 6086, 6087, 6089, on the Polish No. 24C, 13D and 13Y. The route begins in Český Těšín and Cieszyn in which we do not find wooden architecture buildings but historically valuable buildings and interesting architecture from stone.  

Course of the route

Český Těšín - the starting point of the route, the border crossing with PL, Czech part split in 1920  to become a single town of Těšín (no.6090) - 0 km

  • Cieszyn – In the Polish part of the divided town you can see the Romanesque rotunda of St. Wenceslas and Nicholas from the half of the 11th century on the castle hill and Piast tower from 14th century too. (no.24C) - 2 km 
  • Dzięgielów (no.13Z, no.13Y) - 10,9 km
  • Leszna Górna/Horní Líštná - border crossing (no.6085) - 14,3 km
  • Vendryně by the stadium (no.6086– there is a technical monument in the village - Lime kilns- 20,8 km
  • Nýdek – wooden church of St.. Nicholas from 1576 with a shingled roof and Baroque furnishings and folk buildings without  chimneys called kurloky (no.6087) - 35.7 km
  • Bystřice – half wooden church of St. Cross from 1897,  which stands at the place of wooden one from 1587, the Renaissance wing altar from 1588 (no.6085) and go further along the second class road (blue marked path) to Zaolší - 40.5 km
  • Zaolší - well preserved gamekeeper's house in contrast with the new timber house (no.56) - 43.2 km
  • Guty – Renaissance single-timbered church of Corpus Christi from 1642 (no.56) - 54.1 km
  • Smilovice (no.56) - 57 km
  • U Rybníčku (no.6089) - 62,6 km
  • Kozačinec (no.46) - 65,2 km
  • Český Těšín - the end of the route - 71,5 km


Wooden architecture route - Jablunkovsko - Istebniańska part

Wooden architecture route jablunkovsko-istebniańská part goes through Polish part of Euroregion Těšín Silesia too. You can find here well preserved original highlander architecture and new wooden architecture buildings.

It is a medium difficulty route with a length of 47.5 kilometers, which runs along the marked cycling routes Regiotour. On the Czech side they are routes no. 56 and 561, on the Polish side No. 125Z and 24C. The route begins in Jablunkov and then leads to the border with Poland. 

Course of the route

Jablunkov – in the so-called urban forest are located wooden architecture buildings, although they are not original folk architecture buildings,  they illustrate the atmosphere of the park and serve as a background to annual traditional cultural events - such as Gorolski Święto, Gorolski dym, Jablunkov Trilobeat, Days of Jablunkov (No. 56) - 0 km

  • Bukovec – typical half-timbered architecture from 2nd half of 18th century, the so-called "kurloky" a lot of old wooden houses (especially in the easternmost part of the village), many old wooden houses are being rebuilt into modern houses, a regional museum is set up in the primary school with Polish language of education (no. 561) - 5,3 km
  • Hrčava - Wooden church of Cyril and Methodius with hand-carved baptismal font from 1936 is one of the youngest of wooden churches in the region and the easternmost wooden church in the Czech Republic, in the village is the former School of Masaryk from 1924, a frequent destination for tourists was the original wooden tavern which is now out of operation, the border crossing with Poland and the transition to the tourist trail to Trojmezí with Poland (no.125Z) - 10,9 km
  • Jaworzynka – Regional Muzeum „Na Grapie“ is worth visiting, you can also see traditional folk timber houses there, border crossing with Slovakia (no.125Z) - 15,2 km
  • Koniaków – a recently built wooden tavern in Silesia style called "Pod Ochodzitą" offers traditional regional dishes, a retail art gallery T. Ruckého, the Museum of lace is worth visiting too (no.125Z, no.24C) -  26,2 km
  • Istebna – Regional Muzeum - „J. Kawulok house“ – highlander's kurlok with the original equipment, domestic utensils, musical instruments, Wooden church of St. Cross from 1770, on the mount Stecówka is another Catholic church of Divine Mother Fatima from 1957-58, border crossing with Czech Repulic (no.24C, no.56) - 35,5 km
  • Bukovec (no.56) - 42,2 km
  • Jablunkov - the end of the route - 47,5 km